iamCREATUREscience has partnered with Blackswan to create the world’s MOST NATURAL and BEST TASTING CREATINE-based pre workout.

CREATUREs are students of life exercising the virtue of balance through movement expression.

Cultivating Real Exercise Adaptations Through Undeniable Research Evaluations

Welcome to iamCREATUREscience

"Behaviors that promote anatomical symmetry beget spinal alignment. Spinal alignment is a product of internal balance. Balance is the greatest virtue of life.”

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Movement Mastery Membership

The Movement Mastery Membership equips you with the “know-how” to live a healthy, eudaimonic, balanced life. Every aid that you need to succeed in building a strong, attractive, functional, pain-free body is available to you and the resources are always being updated. Some of our featured courses The Breast Lift, Baseline Movement, Stretch-Reflex-and-Flexibility: Reciprocal Inhibition, Chest for Men, Glutes 101, Biceps-Triceps-Forearms, and Cleanse of Homeostasis and Cellular Rejuvenation Rationale (with cleanse embedded). By joining the CREATURE network worldwide, you are actively taking part in the physical, mental, and spiritual evolution of yourself and fellow mankind. Lead the way, be the catalyst.

Movement Pathology & Orthotherapy
(Limited Availability)

This roster is exclusive and offers limited availability based on geographical region, roster cap, and the nature of service. The dynamic approach to individual restoration/rehabilitation requires a unique perspective per patient and or student. Individuals looking to both heal/restore and grow beyond that are preferred. Inquire for consultation (619) 514-2276 or [email protected].

Medical Massage & Soft Tissue Therapy
(Limited Availability)

This roster is exclusive and offers limited availability based on geographical region, roster cap, and the nature of service. Hands on healing techniques combine passive and active modalities to restore neuromuscular pathways down the peripheral nervous system, improve the 6th sense of proprioception, build strength, and treat musculoskeletal injury and chronic pain patterns. Inquire for consultation (619) 514-2276 or [email protected].

Training Programs

CREATURE online training programs are based off of sound information supported in current research. Our programs are suited to take the student to master and anywhere in between. Combined with our corresponding nutritional guides, CREATURE provides the #1 BEST strategies to health, wellness, and evolution available on the internet.


CREATURE online nutrition programs are based off of sound information supported in current research. Our programs are suited to take the student to master and anywhere in between. We consider the changes in regions and lifestyle to adapt all types of CREATURES. Whether you are carnivorous, omnivorous, herbivorous, or frugivorous; when combined with our corresponding online training programs, CREATURE provides the #1 BEST strategies to health, wellness, and evolution available on the internet.

Corporate Wellness
(Limited Availability)

This roster is exclusive and offers limited availability based on geographical region, roster cap, and the nature of service. Corporate entities such as health clubs or firms can inquire about predetermined time allotments to employ iamCREATUREscience’s Philip A. Croatan on a recurring basis. All other media requests and training inquiries for professional athletes and celebrities should be directed to [email protected].

"Behaviors that promote anatomical symmetry begets spinal alignment. Spinal alignment is a product of internal balance. Balance is the greatest virtue of life.”

Service Locations


A specific function-based online training program allows you to get the benefit of goal specific training from well-studied practitioners while being anywhere in the world. Whether personal training or sport performance training for athletes and or coaches is needed, iamCREATUREscience’s extensive online training programs provide research backed methodologies to improve performance and functionality with the aid of video guidance, calculated volume, intensity, frequency, and recovery. All programs are designed to bring the evolved CREATURE out of you!


For select patients, clients, and students, visit the sports medicine studio in San Diego for your orthopedic therapy, rehabilitation, and medical massage modalities. iamCREATUREscience will guide you on your journey to optimal health, alignment, and balance.


For performance, clinical, and corporate facilities/entities who put their athletes, patients, employees, and clients’ well-being first; iamCREATUREscience will come to you. Comparable to care you would receive in the clinic, we will come to your corporate or private institution and deliver the therapeutic exercises, education, and techniques needed to address your pain and impairments.

Become a Member Today and Discover Your Inner CREATURE

"Behaviors that promote anatomical symmetry begets spinal alignment. Spinal alignment is a product of internal balance. Balance is the greatest virtue of life."


"Behaviors that promote anatomical symmetry begets spinal alignment. Spinal alignment is a product of internal balance. Balance is the greatest virtue of life."

Antonio Alexander

Antonio Alexander

Leann Foster

Leann Foster

Josh Blakeley

Jan 15 - April 14 (2)



The philosophy of movement pathology is to never approach injury by optimizing the biomechanics of daily activities. Just as a car needs a regular mechanical check-up, the body does as well. Pain and or asymmetries in the body are congruent with “warning lights on a dashboard.” However, if you are having difficulty moving around due to pain, loss of range of motion or decreased strength, you will likely benefit from working with a physical therapist, movement pathologist, or orthopedic practitioner specialist.

No, soft tissue works promotes healing by removing nervous perturbates that delay an impulse and by returning blood flow to an affected area. It is one of the oldest therapeutic modalities observed in history across different cultures, but many simply use it for pleasure. A key benefit to soft tissue work is restoring the body’s sixth-sense of proprioception.
By joining fellow CREATUREs in the MM community, you will get access to all of our movement courses showing you how to promote proper alignment and the beauty that is founded in symmetry. Popular programs include the Breast Lift, Chest for Men, Glutes, Stretch Reflex and Flexibility: reciprocal inhibition, and Biceps Triceps and Forearms. Additionally, weekly exclusives on nutrition, supplementations, how to track progress, and DIY therapies clinics. The Movement Mastery Membership gives private access to a community that is committed to more life. Come be a part of the solution on our CREATURE Calls powered by Zoom.
No, unless specifically tailored to a gym, the programs are able to be completed anywhere and the resources provided, such as the Movement Database, provides you with an index of movements that teach you how to train any part of the body that you are wanting, regardless of the experience level.
Veganism is physiologically an effective route to avoiding metabolic diseases stimulated by plaque accumulation. However, the body, like any closed system, is ALWAYS working to maintain internal balance (homeostasis) through a primary process known as thermoregulation, of which employs all systems in the body. If one understands the balance of ordered-eating, which the Movement Mastery Membership will provide elucidation, there becomes no such thing as good or bad eating; only sickness and health, balance and imbalance.

All media request should be sent to connect.iamCREATUREscience.com

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